Enter your value:

Binary Search Tree (BST) Code

BST is a data structure that spreads out like a tree. The first element of the tree is known as the root. In a BST, values that are smaller than the root are on the left side of the root, which are refereed as leftChild. Values that are greater or equal to the root are on the right side of the root, which are refereed as rightChild.

The plain structure of BST would like this.

class BST{
    public class Node {
        private Node leftChild;
        private Node rightChild;
        private int value;

        public Node(int value) {
            this.value = value;

    // The following method is optional
    // This method is to look at the node values clearly while debugging.

        public String toString() {
            return "Value = " + value;

    private Node root;

    * leftChild, rightChild, root are private because you don't want to access them outside of
    * the class.
    * You can make getter which is a very good practice if you want to read private variables

    public void insert(int value);

    public boolean find(int value);

    public int height()


In this case, Node is the structure of each node that's inside the tree. value is the data that's inside of the node, and leftChild is a pointer that holds the heap location of the node that is on on the left side of the root node. Similarly, rightChild is a pointer that holds the heap location of the node that is on the right side of the root node.

Lets look at insert Method:


 * Time: O(log n)
 * Space: O(1)

    public void insert(int value) {
        Node node = new Node(value);

        // When there is no root, the node becomes the root

        if (root == null) {
            root = node;

        Node current = root;
        while (true) {

         // Checking if the value is less than or greater than the current

            if (value < current.value) {

            // When the leftChild of current node is null, the new node is placed over there

                if (current.leftChild == null) {
                    current.leftChild = node;
                current = current.leftChild;
            } else {

            // When the rightChild of current node is null, the new node is places over there

                if (current.rightChild == null) {
                    current.rightChild = node;
                current = current.rightChild;

Initially the method checks if the root is empty and adds the node as the root if it is empty. Otherwise, taking the root as current we traverse the tree either on the left side (when the value is less than root value) or on the right side (when the value is greater or equal to root value). When right place found by traversing, the node gets added to the left or right depending on the value it is.

Lets look at find Method:

 * Time: O(log n)
 * Space: O(1)

// This method is to check if a particular value is present in the tree

    public boolean find(int value) {
        Node current = root;
        while (current != null) {

            if (value == current.value)
                return true;

            else if (value > current.value)
                current = current.rightChild;

            else if (value < current.value)
                current = current.leftChild;
        return false;

find method works similarly to the insert method. It iterates from the root and checks if the value lies on left side or right side and returns true when the current value equals to value.

Lets look at height Method:


 * Time: O(n)
 * Space: O(1)

// Method overloading

    public int height() {
        return height(root);

    private int height(Node root) {
        // Base condition
        if (root == null)
            return 0;

        return 1 + Math.max(height(root.leftChild), height(root.rightChild));

In this method, we keep calling the method again and again and when we reach a null we will return 0 and stop the recursion. Then compare the max of left and right subtree, which ever is greater, thats the height of the tree.


Thanks for reading it till the end.

If any typo or bug found by putting up an issue in GitHub

The code can be found Here

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